Conscious Sexuality Summit
I'm delighted to be speaking in this upcoming summit: Conscious Sexuality: The Truth of the Matter
A group of 16 transformative experts in Ireland and around the world have been gathered by Triskele Heart Healing to share wisdom and insights on HOW to embody conscious sexuality so you can freely come into Self-Love, enter into relationships that serve your higher self and ultimately walk
the path of love for change in the world.
I'll be talking about the forces that have tamed and 'civilised' this intrinsically wild and joyous aspect of our humanity and how we can restore and return to our own personal expression of our sexual selves. I'll also be including some FREE GIVEAWAYS of tried and tested techniques that I have
used successfully with clients over the years.
I hope you'll join me and 15 other speakers for the first Irish Sex Summit.
Here are just some of the themes being covered by other speakers:
1. Re- wiring and re- programming sexual wounds and trauma from the past.
2. Reclaiming your sexual Truth and unique sexual expression.
3. Embodying self- love and coming Home to your body.
4. Sexual rewilding, connecting to the life force energy of the Earth.
5. Boundary teachings and how to establish consent based relationships
6. Mindset shifts that re-align your relationships to Cosmic Unity Consciousness.
7. Steps to activate the hidden treasure chest of infinite love inside you so that you can walk the path of service to others.