​This series for couples is designed to deepen intimacy, trust and connection and enhance sexual relating.
This work is offered in private sessions tailored to the unique needs of you both: weekly 1 hour €90 enquire about a session

I respect, honour and welcome all sexual orientations in this work
Pathways to Love: FOUNDATION pre-requisite to the four deeper modules.
Paced to your needs you will learn techniques that help create an environment of safe and loving communication giving you space to open to each other and explore your heart's desire.
You will be creating a secure base together to explore your possibilities and potential in relationship, intimacy and sexuality.
Together, you will learn techniques that energise the sex centres and free up the flow of sexual energy in your body.

Pathways to Love: Invitation/Seduction
Exploring the art of creating the optimal environment for love. The best sex happens when both partners are excited and at ease, when there is a longing that is on the brink of fulfillment, then all the elements of the self are engaged, the mind is filled with fantasy and anticipation, the body with a tingling yearning, the heart is full and activated, all the senses open...

​Pathways to Love: Ecstatic Energy
Our entire bodies are capable of feeling ecstatic, we know that as children, but as we grow, many of us have been taught to localize sensation, particularly with our sexuality. We've been conditioned to experience it as a purely genital occurence. We focus here on extending the capacity of our entire bodies to experience ecstatic feelings creating the space for the fabled 'Full Body Orgasm'
​Pathways to Love: Extending Arousal
The key here is learning to relax and be consciously connected in heightened states of arousal. In this practice we learn to expand into the pleasure of arousal,
deepen our love connection with our partner, and expand even further into pleasure. In a journey across
the peaks and valleys of arousal each couple can
explore the frontiers of their capacity for intimate pleasure.

​Pathways to Love: Release into Bliss
The final stage in lovemaking, as the orgasm abates, is an opportunity for deep deep intimacy and connection. When we can fully see and feel each-other in this moment we are creating an extended love-making that suffuses the rest of the day and beyond. This is perhaps the most subtle and profound part of the series, where we experience ourselves and each-other at the brink of possibility, and find ourselves opening to the depth and breath of true intimacy.