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This Autumn’s Ecstatic Woman explores the HEART OF INVITATION.
How we show up for the relationships we desire and how we can create connections that invite, rather than demand, our deep hearts longing.
We do this by connecting fully and joyfully with our orgasmic self.
Using techniques from Tantra and Psychotherapy we stir up the flow of life in our bodies, releasing tension and static holding, we allow our radiant beauty to shine irresistably from within.

Something in that was striking a strange note for me, so I turned it around and wondered how I would respond to an invitation to relationship that went something like:


“Are you good enough to be in          relationship with me?”


I felt deflated, disrespected and undermined. It felt more like a battle-cry than an invitation.

Ecstatic Woman series: one-day Workshop

Often these days I hear women lament that they have done so much work on themselves, but...


“Where are the men that can step up to the challenge of relationship with a fully realized woman?”

Facilitated by Fiona and Deb on the Sunday 20th of October, in Greystones, Co. Wicklow.
Time: 9.30 to 5.00, Cost: €95, Includes a light lunch and teas and coffees
Enquiries & Bookings

Contact Fiona on 086 234 0635 or email

Registration Form:
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                 Full                  €95

                 Deposit           €50

                 Balance           €40

The practice is based in Greystones in Co. Wicklow, within a half hour drive from Roundwood, Kilmacanogue,

Delgany, Rathnew, Arklow and Wicklow. It is readily accessible from South Dublin

Contact Fiona on 086 234 0635 or email

Accredited Member of the Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy

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