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January 16th at 8pm The Hampton Hotel Donnybrook
Cost €15




I'm honoured to be the Guest Speaker at this wonderful gathering on Thursday Jan 16th 8pm, at the Hampton Hotel, Donnybrook.
       If you have ever been in a relationship,        
          If you desire to be in a relationship,          
                If you are in a relationship,                 
This is the experiential talk for you.
The BuddhaBag meetings are welcoming, informal and FULL of really interesting people.
I'll be sharing techniques from the Pathways to Love Series and a bit of science and theory on how and why it works. I hope to see you there.
What is Buddha Bag?
The Buddha Bag Meeting is a gathering of
open-minded individuals who come together to discuss and practice a broad range of spiritual and philosophical teachings and techniques.     A meeting usually contains a meditation, followed by a guest-speaker or spiritual workshop. Alternatively, a screening of some spiritual/philosophical documentary or feature film will be followed by a group discussion of the topics raised therein.
for more
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